Collections provide a way to group rooms and plugins (links) together.  Permissions can be assigned to different groups of users so users will only see what they need.  

Creating a Collection

Multiple collections can be created and assigned to users.

  • In the left nav search for collections
  • Click new collection 
  • Click show security settings 
  • Give permissions to the users that should see the collection
    • You can give permissions to all users that have access to at least one room or link in the collection or specify a group of individuals. Users who do not have access to a room or link in the collection will see in empty collection.
  • Give the collection a name and an upload or design an icon
  • If you don't want the folders for each room to be displayed when expanding the collection, click hide global folders.  
  • If you do not click hide global folders, you can choose to hide folders for specific rooms in the collection. See examples at the end of this document.
  • Search for and add the plugins (link) and/or rooms that you want to include in the collection in the search field.
  • Click Save 


Now that you've created the collection, you can add it to a category on the left navigation menu or add it to home feed apps.

Example of a collection where hide global folders was NOT enabled


Example of the same collection where hide global folders WAS enabled