What to do if the user doesn't receive ANY emails from the system

  • Make sure email notifications are turned on. From a users profile, click on "notifications" and be sure the "All Email Notifications" toggle is on.
  • If the notifications are on:
    • Verify the email on the members profile is accurate
    • Have the user check their junk mail folder
    • Have the check their spam filter or hold queue
    • For any users using Gmail, have them check the Important and Spam folders These folders can be found by expanding the more option on the Gmail menu bar
    • If possible, have the user add alerts@alerts.konverse.com to their safe senders list and resend the password reset email
    • If none of the above solve this issue, email support@konverse.com with the users name, email any any further details

What to do if the user doesn't receive an email notification from ONLY a specific room

  • Be sure the user is subscribed to the room in question. From the users profile, click on the "subscriptions" icon and verify the room in question is on the subscription list (user below is subscribed to the "Company News" room)
  • If you do not see the room in question listed on this page, have the user visit the room they would like to receive notifications from, and click on the "subscribe" button (see below)
  • Which will then display as "subscribed" (see below)
  • If you are an admin in the system, you also have the ability to login as this user by clicking on "switch to this member" from the settings tab on their profile, and subscribe the user to the room on their behalf