Plugins live on the left navigation menu and are direct, clickable links to external sites. Both Super Admins and App Admins have access to create and manage these plugins for the general user base. Some example plugins might be Facebook, Zillow, Gmail, etc. Anything that your user base might access often that you'd like them to have direct access to via a plugin link.

Creating a New Plugin

To create a new plugin, one must be signed in to a Super Admin or App Admin account. Search for "plugins" on the left navigation menu search bar and select. You will be brought to the Plugin tool where you can begin to create new plugins or manage existing ones.

Select the "New Link +" button to begin creating your new plugin link. This will open up the plugin creator screen.

Fill in the link name with the name that you would like to display on the left navigation menu. This should be something your user base will recognize and understand. You may choose to add an icon to correspond with the link.

Next select the "show more" toggle to add in the link URL.

Select "Create plugin" to finish the initial setup process.

**Unless you are setting up an SSO configuration, please leave all other fields and buttons as they are.

Placing a Plugin Link on the Left Menu Navigation

Once you have your Plugin Link created, you'll want to select a place on the Left Menu Navigation for it to live. By default, the Plugin will land in the "Unsorted Plugin" section on the Left Menu Navigation. It is likely toward the bottom of the menu.

To add the Plugin Link to an appropriate place, open up the Left Menu Navigation Editor by clicking on the pen. Search for the "Unsorted Plugins" section and look for the newest link that you've created.

Hover over that link until you see the "pencil icon" appear. Click to then edit the location of the Plugin Link. You will be prompted to select a "Parent Category" and then determine where within that "Parent Category" you'd like the Plugin Link to live.

Once you have the Plugin Link in the desired place, select "Save" on the edit link page and then "Save Changes" > "Confirm" on the Left Menu Navigation Editor to see your change be made.

Navigate to that section on the Left Menu Navigation to view and click on your new Plugin Link.

Plugin Permissions

You may wish to set some plugins as visible to only certain app users. Within the Plugin Creator tool, you have the option to set plugin visibility and access by a variety of different groupings.

To set these permissions, toggle to the "Show security settings" under the Edit section of the plugin you wish to manage. A dropdown will appear allowing to you to select who can access the plugin.  

By default, "all members" will have access to the plugin. You may choose from the other set options for user permission access. The last option, "custom user and group mapping" allows you to set some more specific permissions for either individual users or set groups as determined in Member Management. Use this option when your plugin is meant to be accessed by customized groupings.

Advanced Plugin Settings

Unless you are set to configure an SSO plugin, the last section of the plugin creator tool will not be utilized. The only section you may want to edit is "Open this link in" which allows for your plugin to either open in a new tab, iFrame, or take on the entire screen modal. To make edits here, simply select from this dropdown. By default, all plugins are set to open in a new tab. Should you want to iFrame the plugin, your link requires https://