Posts are used to share important updates, ask teammates questions, send requests to your help desk and more.  Creating a post is simple. 

  • Click the plus sign in the upper right hand corner 
  • Start typing the name of the room in the room field and selecting it from the list 
  • Enter a title for the post.  All posts must have a title
  • Complete each of the fields.  Fields will vary based on the type and settings of the room
  • Mention a user in the mention a teammate field or by adding @first_lastname in the body of the post.  Mentioning a user is a good way to draw a persons attention to the post
  • Further categorize your post by adding hashtags.  Hashtags can be added to the body of the post by using # before the word or by completing the hashtag field
  • If you are an owner or admin with permissions to post in the room, you can modify the notification settings.  
  • If you are a member you may have the option to disable all notifications
  • Depending on the settings of the room, you may have the option to upload files 
  • Once you've completed the post click Publish

Once a post is published, it is available to all members of the room.